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Thursday, June 10, 2010


Have you ever wondered what kind of religions there are? Well , here you will learn about the Muslim religion.

Islam Religion

Muslim is an Abrahimac religion created by Quran. The Muslim religion or Islam has over 1.57 billon people who practice it. Wow that’s a lot of people. Also Muslim is the fastest growing religion in the world.

How many people practice Islam

Most parts of Africa Middle East, and Asia and subhead Africa. 13 percent of Muslims live Indonesia, 31 percent live in the Indian sub-head. Also about 20 Percent live in Arab countries. There is 1.57 billon people who practice it .

Religions around the world

The prophet Muhammad was born in about A.D 570 and he was born in Mecca. His father was the most famous Arab that ever lived. His father died before he was born. His mother died when he was six years old. The word Islam means submission. A person that submits to the will of Allah, according to the doctrines
Of Islam, is called a Muslim.

Q & A

Q: How do feel about the Islam Religion
A: I Feel that it is fair and it’s the best religion
Q: Do you believe In Allah
A: Yes I do believe in Allah

Q: Do you go to pray
A: Yes I do every holiday

Q: Did you ever go to the Arabians islands to pray
A: No I have never gone to the Arabians islands to pray

Q: What type of Muslim are you
A: I am a Sunnis that means I only follow Muhammad teachings and I originate by the Mediterranean Sea